Tanya: Perlukah saya membayar untuk mendaftar?
Jawab: Sugar Daddies perlu membayar,Sugar baby tidak.
Tanya: Saya ingin belajar di Australia (AS, Inggris, Jerman…). Dapatkah klub membantu saya menemukan Sugar Daddy lokal untuk mendukung saya dan membayar uang sekolah saya?
Jawab: Ya. Saat mendaftar, tuliskan pemikiran Anda dan jenis pengaturan yang Anda cari di bagian “Lanjutkan” di Formulir Aplikasi Sugar Baby.
Tanya: Saya ingin mencari Sugar Daddy untuk merawat saya dan memberi saya uang saku setiap minggu. Tetapi saya pergi ke sekolah dan tidak nyaman untuk pergi keluar pada malam hari. Saya hanya bisa melihatnya sepulang sekolah pada siang hari, bukan?
Jawab: Ya. Anda bisa mencoba “Hubungan Sponsorship “. Harap tulis juga waktu luang Anda di bagian “Lanjutkan” di Formulir Aplikasi Sugar Baby agar Sugar Daddy mengetahui situasi Anda sebelumnya.
Tanya: Saya ingin mencari Sugar Daddy untuk mendukung saya dan membayar uang sekolah, tetapi saya masih perawan. Aku bisa tinggal bersamanya, tapi aku tidak ingin berhubungan seks, bukan?
Jawab: Anda dapat mencoba “Kuliah & Hubungan Rumah-tinggal”. Harap tulis “Tidak Ada Jenis Kelamin” di bagian “Lanjutkan” pada Formulir Aplikasi agar Sugar Daddy tahu sebelumnya.
Tanya: Situasi saya yang sebenarnya (tolong jangan beri tahu Sugar Daddy) adalah saya sudah menikah dan memiliki anak perempuan berusia 5 tahun. Saya benar-benar tidak ingin tinggal bersama suami saya lagi, tetapi anak saya terlalu kecil untuk saya dukung melalui perceraian. correct translation.
Jawab: Anda dapat mencoba hubungan “Sponsorship”. Silakan tulis situasi Anda di “Tentang Saya Sendiri” di Formulir Aplikasi, kami tidak akan memberi tahu Sugar Daddy.
Tanya: I want to find a sugar daddy to take care of me, but I hope not to involve sex, can I?
Jawab: Yes. Please write all you like to do and not in the “Resume” section in the Application Form to let the sugar daddy know in advance. Everything can be negotiated before the arrangement.
Tanya: Do I have to go to Australia when I join your club?
Jawab: You don’t have to. You can continue to live in your current country, go school or work as you do now. When there a dating appointment, we’ll let you know by e-mail or phone.
Tanya: I live in XXXX and cannot travel overseas. Can I let the Sugar Daddy come to my place?
Jawab: Yes, you can. But you will have less chances to get dating than others who can go abroad.
Tanya: I live in Sydney, can I visit your office?
Jawab: Yes, please fill out the Registration Form, if you have got through the first round of selection, we will arrange the interview.
Tanya: Where is your Sugar Daddies come from?
Jawab: Sugar Daddies register in our club are from Europe, America and Australia, they can be aristocrats, enterprisers, bankers, politicians, lawyers, managers or wealthy retirees. Most of which are Caucasians and very few Asians. They are often well respected in public and generous. Their age range from 18-70, the most of them are between 30-60.
Tanya: I heard your Sugar Daddies are all high class rich ones. But I suppose there are no young and handsome ones, right? If they are rich, handsome and young, they don’t have to join the club to make girlfriends.
Jawab: That is sometimes true, but not always. There are many young gentlemen in our club, and handsome ones too. You can see their photos before one-to-one dating.
Tanya: Can I only chose to date those whom I like?
Jawab: Yes, you can give a simple description of whom you are willing to date at registration (age, nationality…). When we introduce the actual Sugar Daddies, you can choose based on their detailed profile.
Tanya: I only want to date with American (European, Australian, Asian……), is this possible?
Jawab: Yes, please notify this at your registration.
Tanya: I do not want to date with American (European, Australian, Asian……), is this possible?
Jawab: Yes, please notify this at your registration.
Tanya: I don’t like old men, can I only date with those cool guys under 25?
Jawab: Yes, please notify this at your registration.
Tanya: I don’t like young guys, can I only date with those above 40?
Jawab: Yes, please notify this at your registration.
Tanya: Can I see the gentleman’s photo before dating? If I don’t like him, can I say no?
Jawab: Yes, you can. We provide you the Sugar Daddy’s profiles before arranging any dates. If you don’t like his profile, you can refuse to date before meeting him.
Tanya: I’m under 18 years old, can I join your club?
Jawab: No, you must be over 18 years old (or the legal age in your country).
Tanya: I am already 40, can I tell him that I am only 20?
Jawab: We’re afraid that you can’t.
Tanya: How can I get my pay?
Jawab: Please refer to: Sugar Baby Compensation .
Tanya: Who will arrange / pay for my flight for dating?
Jawab: Sugar Daddy Club arranges / pays for it.
Tanya: Do I have to pay for my everyday expenses during dating?
Jawab: No, you don’t have to. Your Sugar Daddy pays for all everyday expenses. You will receive all of your compensation.
Tanya: In your Sponsorship, how many times per week I must meet him? May I see him 1 (2, 3, 4, 5 …) times a week?
Jawab: It is up to you, but it must be stated in advance (listed with the price).
Tanya: If I go for long term Fostering, will the Sugar Daddy be with me every day?
Jawab: This will depend.
Tanya: If I go for long term Fostering, what shall I do with my study?
Jawab: You can choose to study at a local institution, your tuition fees will be on the Sugar Daddy.
Tanya: Why do I need to send photos to get a dating appointment?
Jawab: Because Sugar Daddies choose ladies considering their appearance. Without photos they don’t understand what you look like, and that means we cannot introduce you to Sugar Daddies.
Tanya: How many photos will you need, can I provide fewer photos and make up more when I am accepted
Jawab: At least 5. Yes.
Tanya: I have a lot of photos, but cannot send by email. I can send you by Skype or you can find all my photos on this link: www.novirus.com/notrojan.exe.html, you will be shocked how pretty I am….
Jawab: Sorry, we cannot accept photos by Skype or click the link you provide. Please submit your photos to: pic@sugardaddyclub.biz.
Tanya: I sent 10 photos when I submitted the Application Form, why are you asking me to submit more?
Jawab: If we think more or different photos will improve your chances or opportunities for dating, we will suggest you to provide them. If you are satisfied with your current photos, you don’t have to provide new ones. We recommend you to provide as many good photos as possible to create more chances to date.
Tanya: What photos are preferred by Sugar Daddies?
Jawab: It depends on you. If you are young or virgin, a natural style is good. It’s great if they see what you are like in your everyday life. Make some photos in your class. If your mature and adult, put on some make-up and dress well. If you are a celebrity, commercial modeling photos or photos and videos from your movies or TV appearances are good.
Tanya: I know someone who looks just like me. Can I use her photo?
Jawab: We’re afraid not. You have to provide your own photos.
Tanya: I have videos of me in addition to photos. Would you like these?
Jawab: Please provide them to us. Videos are better than photos, so you can get more chances to date.
Tanya: Do I need to make nude photos?
Jawab: No, you don’t have to, but if you already have, please provide them. Some (but not all) Sugar Daddies prefer these, so they can bring you more chances to date.
Tanya: Do I need to provide SM photos?
Jawab: If you apply for SM Baby, you can provide them, so you get more chances to date.
Tanya: Can I mask my face/head in the photo?
Jawab: For the normal photos, no, you can’t. But if they’re nude or SM photos, you can.
Tanya: I worry my photos will be released on the internet…
Jawab: We have run this business for more than 50 years. We consider our ladies’ privacy to be very important. We have strict codes to protect your privacy. Your photos will not be released on the internet. Sugar Daddies have to pay to see your photos, that means in our system, even our Sugar Daddies can not see your photos easily.
Tanya: After I register, when could I start my first dating?
Jawab: If you have registered with high quality photos, your first date will be arranged within 1-2 weeks.
Tanya: If I find a boyfriend in future or I do not wish to go for anymore dates, can you give my profile and photos back or destroy them?
Jawab: Yes, definitely.
Tanya: Does your Babies have an age ceiling?
Jawab: No.
Tanya: Will those who participate in the SM playing be violent?
Jawab: SM is a sexual role-playing game, it is not related to violence. In fact, those who like SM playing are more gentle than the general population.
Tanya: I’d like to apply for SM Baby, can I say no to painful games? I have seen some SM videos before, they showed a whip and candle play… I’m scared.
Jawab: You can choose what you can do. When you apply SM Baby, firstly you select games which on the SM Game List that you can do. If you are afraid of some of the hard play, you can choose some easy/light plays such as kneeling or role play. You do not have to choose any sort of play that you do not want to do.
Tanya: I am a boy, can I apply for a male sugar baby?
Jawab: In general, male sugar babies are not popular. We only recruit sissy boy slaves in “SM Baby”, this is the only one.
Tanya: I think I am a celebrity, but I don’t know how much I should ask for. Can you give me an idea what is the standard price for the Celebrity Baby?
Jawab: We don’t have guideline of the compensation for Celebrity Baby. The “price” of Celebrity could range largely, it depends on how famous you are and what work you have done as an actress or model. Everyone sets her own “price” accordingly.
Tanya: As a Celebrity Baby, how do I acquire a higher price?
Jawab: Most of the value of a Celebrity comes from how famous she is. The Sugar Daddies might not know the celebrities in your country, but they would like to meet a lady who has been on TV or in the media. You can give us some copies of movies, TV programs, magazines, or newspapers which you are in and we can use that to explain to the Sugar Daddies and try higher compensation for you.
Tanya: If I am a celebrity, I want to discuss the price between sugar daddy and myself, can you provide me his contact details/ or give my contact details to him?
Jawab: Yes.
Tanya: How to write my resume?
Jawab: There are no rules, but usually you can write about your nationality, family, study, occupation, hobby, and personality. Describing your hobbies and interests in detail is usually a good suggestion, for example, you can play piano, paint, cook, play a sport, etc. That helps gentlemen understand you very well and they normally find these personal skills and interests attractive.
Tanya: How can I increase my dating / fostering chance?
Jawab: Please choose more Sugar Baby types and submit more high quality photos.
Tanya: I live with my boyfriend and might not be convenient with phone calls. Can you only call in the morning/noon/night/xx:00?
Jawab: Yes
Tanya: When will I receive a notification after I register?
Jawab: In 1-2 business days.
Tanya: I have applied for many times but why no any reply?
Jawab: All genuine applications with 5 or more photos will be replied to within 1-2 business days. Those who use other people’s photos, provide less than 5 photos, or lack a contact number, will not be replied to.
Tanya: I have submitted a genuine application with a mobile number and attached 5 photos, I have talked with you in phone, you said you have already replied an email. But so far I have not received any email.
Jawab: If you have submitted a genuine application and received no reply after 2 business days, please check your junk mail folder. To assure the successful communication, please add our domain “sugardaddyclub.biz” into the Safe List.
Another possibility is that you haven’t pick up phone when we ring your mobile or you have provide a fake number. In that case, when we won’t reply.
Tanya: Are you a legally registered club?
Jawab: Yes, Sugar Daddy Club is legally registered in Australia.