Virgin Baby

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With the decreasing number of adult ladies who are still virgins, it is always the most welcomed type of Sugar Baby, and frequently requested by our Sugar Daddies.

Many men appreciate the integrity and dedication needed to retain your virginity. In a world where promiscuity is common and purity is rare, you are a rare and unique treasure.

Most Sugar Daddies do not criticize a virgin’s appearance, it is the virginity and chastity of the lady that they value. Usually a prospective Daddy will check the virgin’s medical certificate. Some cautious sugar daddies may even employ a doctor to check her again before dating.

Each Virgin Baby applicant should provide a medical certificate confirming her status (if you are in Sydney, we can help you to find local clinics).

In some places, girls repair their hymen just to sell their virginity. This method is now obsolete because any doctor in Australia can easily identify such a hymen.